Halifax Storms part 1: Record Christmas warmth

25 December 2014

This ‘Halifax Storms’ series of blogs will briefly summarize some of the significant storm events I experienced during my time in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from December 2014 through April 2015. Continue reading Halifax Storms part 1: Record Christmas warmth

Comparing thunderstorm time-lapses with simulations

“Hector the Convector” is the name given to a thunderstorm that forms over the Tiwi Islands off the north coast of Australia near Darwin. I have tried some test Weather Research and Forecast (WRF, http://www.wrf-model.org ) simulations to see how nice a thunderstorm is produced. Continue reading Comparing thunderstorm time-lapses with simulations

Hi, my name is Chris. I have some blogs here on sea kayaking, bike touring, and some weather stuff.