Tag Archives: folding

Cycling Hokkaido University to the sea by the Shin River – folding bike loop

After nursing a vicious hangover on Saturday from a bizarrely Japanese extreme late night on Fri/Sat that included visiting some outrageously expensive place where you got to sit down and talk to two random girls for about half a hour for 4000 yen, I decided that dammit, I was going to do something today (Sunday), a folding bike ride mini-adventure!

Viewing Sapporo from a broad map before arriving here, I had thought that this was a city on beautiful bay, and it probably had an easily accessible beach that would be littered with bars and cafes. How wrong I was. In fact the city centre is about 15 km from the sea, and that sea front, well it ain`t Monaco (or insert somewhere with a nice water front), OK it ain`t Waikiki, let`s go with that.

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